function tmgmt_source_add_to_cart_submit

Submit handler to add items into the cart.

Based on the submitted data it will create job items and add them into the cart. Use it in combination with tmgmt_add_cart_form() as that function sets all the necessary values needed to crate a job an add it into the cart.

See also


Related topics

1 string reference to 'tmgmt_source_add_to_cart_submit'
tmgmt_add_cart_form in ./tmgmt.module
Adds add to cart form elements.


./tmgmt.module, line 1242
Main module file for the Translation Management module.


function tmgmt_source_add_to_cart_submit(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $cart_info = $form_state
  if (!empty($cart_info['plugin']) && !empty($cart_info['item_type']) && $form_state
    ->getValue('items')) {
    $source_items = array_filter($form_state
    $item_type = $cart_info['item_type'];
    $plugin = $cart_info['plugin'];
  elseif (!empty($cart_info['plugin']) && !empty($cart_info['item_type']) && !empty($cart_info['item_id'])) {
    $source_items = array(
    $item_type = $cart_info['item_type'];
    $plugin = $cart_info['plugin'];
  else {
      ->addError(t('Unable to add the content into the cart.'));
  $i = 0;
  foreach ($source_items as $source_id) {
    if (tmgmt_cart_get()
      ->addJobItem($plugin, $item_type, $source_id)) {
    ->formatPlural($i, '@count content source was added into the <a href="@url">cart</a>.', '@count content sources were added into the <a href="@url">cart</a>.', array(
    '@url' => Url::fromRoute('tmgmt.cart')