View source
  1. tmgmt.settings:
  2. title: 'Settings'
  3. description: 'Configure your translation management settings.'
  4. route_name: tmgmt.settings
  5. parent: tmgmt.admin_tmgmt
  6. weight: 100
  7. entity.tmgmt_translator.collection:
  8. title: 'Providers'
  9. description: 'Add and modify translation service providers.'
  10. route_name: entity.tmgmt_translator.collection
  11. parent: tmgmt.admin_tmgmt
  12. weight: 90
  13. tmgmt.admin_tmgmt:
  14. title: 'Translation'
  15. description: 'Translation Management Tool.'
  16. route_name: tmgmt.admin_tmgmt
  17. parent: system.admin
  18. weight: 0
  19. tmgmt.cart:
  20. title: 'Cart'
  21. description: 'Manage the cart items.'
  22. route_name: tmgmt.cart
  23. parent: tmgmt.admin_tmgmt
  24. weight: 20
  25. tmgmt.sources:
  26. title: 'Sources'
  27. description: 'View translation status of your site and create new jobs.'
  28. route_name: tmgmt.source_overview_default
  29. parent: tmgmt.admin_tmgmt
  30. weight: 15