Error message

  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in _api_make_match_member_link() (line 1230 of /home/projects/api/www/sites/all/modules/api/
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in _api_make_match_member_link() (line 1230 of /home/projects/api/www/sites/all/modules/api/

class TMGMTUiContinuousTest

Verifies continuous functionality of the user interface

@group tmgmt


Expanded class hierarchy of TMGMTUiContinuousTest


tests/src/Functional/TMGMTUiContinuousTest.php, line 15


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class TMGMTUiContinuousTest extends TMGMTTestBase {
  use TmgmtEntityTestTrait;
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  function setUp() : void {

    // Login as admin to be able to set environment variables.
      'translate any entity',
      'create content translations',
      ->createNodeType('page', 'Page', TRUE);
      ->createNodeType('article', 'Article', TRUE);

   * Tests of the job item review process.
  public function testContinuous() {

    // Test that continuous jobs are shown in the job overview.
    ], TRUE);
    $non_continuous_translator = Translator::create([
      'name' => strtolower($this
      'label' => $this
      'plugin' => 'file',
      'remote_languages_mappings' => [],
      'settings' => [],
    $continuous_job = $this
      ->createJob('en', 'de', 0, [
      'label' => $this
      'job_type' => 'continuous',
      ->drupalGet('admin/tmgmt/jobs', [
      'query' => [
        'state' => JobInterface::STATE_CONTINUOUS,
      ->drupalGet('admin/tmgmt/jobs', [
      'query' => [
        'state' => 'job_item_' . JobItemInterface::STATE_ACTIVE,

    // Test that there are source items checkboxes on a continuous job form.
      ->drupalGet('admin/tmgmt/jobs/' . $continuous_job

    // Enable Article source item for continuous job.
    $edit_continuous_job = [
      'continuous_settings[content][node][enabled]' => TRUE,
      'continuous_settings[content][node][bundles][article]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit_continuous_job, 'Save job');

    // Test that continuous settings configuration is saved correctly.
    $updated_continuous_job = Job::load($continuous_job
    $job_continuous_settings = $updated_continuous_job
      ->assertEquals(1, $job_continuous_settings['content']['node']['enabled'], 'Continuous settings configuration for node is saved correctly.');
      ->assertEquals(1, $job_continuous_settings['content']['node']['bundles']['article'], 'Continuous settings configuration for article is saved correctly.');
      ->assertEquals(0, $job_continuous_settings['content']['node']['bundles']['page'], 'Continuous settings configuration for page is saved correctly.');

    // Test that continuous settings checkboxes are checked correctly.

    // Create continuous job through the form.
      'access administration pages',
      'create translation jobs',
      'submit translation jobs',
      'access user profiles',
    ], TRUE);
    $owner = $this
    $continuous_job_label = strtolower($this
    $edit_job = [
      'label[0][value]' => $continuous_job_label,
      'target_language' => 'de',
      'uid' => $owner
      'translator' => $this->default_translator
      ->submitForm($edit_job, 'Save job');

    // Test that previous created job is continuous job.

    // Test that job overview page with status to continuous does not have
    // Submit link.
      ->drupalGet('admin/tmgmt/jobs', [
      'query' => [
        'state' => JobInterface::STATE_CONTINUOUS,
      ->linkNotExists('Submit', 'There is no Submit link on job overview with status to continuous.');

    // Test that all unnecessary fields and buttons do not exist on continuous
    // job edit form.
      ->clickLink('Manage', 0);
      ->fieldValueEquals('edit-uid', $owner
      ->getDisplayName() . ' (' . $owner
      ->id() . ')');
      ->responseNotContains('<label for="edit-translator">Provider</label>');
      ->responseNotContains('<label for="edit-word-count">Total word count</label>');
      ->responseNotContains('<label for="edit-tags-count">Total HTML tags count</label>');
      ->responseNotContains('<label for="edit-created">Created</label>');
      ->responseNotContains('<div class="tmgmt-color-legend clearfix">');

    // Remove continuous jobs and assert there is no filter displayed.
      ->submitForm([], 'Delete');
      ->pageTextNotContains('Job type');

    // Test that the empty text is displayed.
      ->drupalGet('admin/tmgmt/job_items', array(
      'query' => array(
        'state' => 5,
      ->pageTextContains('No job items for the current selection.');

   * Tests access to add continuous job link.
  public function testAddContinuousLink() {
      'create translation jobs',
      ->pageTextNotContains('Add continuous job');
      ->pageTextContains('Add continuous job');
      ->pageTextNotContains('Add continuous job');

    // The 'Add continuous job' is currently not showing up without clearing the
    // cache after we add a continuous translator.
    // @see
    // \Drupal::service('module_installer')->install(['tmgmt_test']);
    // $this->drupalGet('admin/tmgmt/jobs');
    // $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('Add continuous job', 'Link is showing if there is a continuous translator.');



Name Modifiers Type Descriptionsort ascending Overrides
TmgmtTestTrait::loginAsTranslator function Will create a user with translator permissions and log it in.
TmgmtTestTrait::loginAsAdmin function Will create a user with admin permissions and log it in.
TmgmtTestTrait::$languageWeight protected property The language weight for new languages.
TMGMTUiContinuousTest::testContinuous public function Tests of the job item review process.
TMGMTUiContinuousTest::testAddContinuousLink public function Tests access to add continuous job link.
TmgmtTestTrait::addLanguage function Sets the proper environment.
TMGMTUiContinuousTest::setUp function Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() Overrides TMGMTTestBase::setUp
TMGMTUiContinuousTest::$modules protected static property Modules to enable. Overrides TMGMTTestBase::$modules
TmgmtTestTrait::$translator_permissions protected property List of permissions used by loginAsTranslator().
TmgmtTestTrait::$admin_permissions protected property List of permissions used by loginAsAdmin().
TmgmtTestTrait::$translator_user protected property Drupal user object created by loginAsTranslator().
TmgmtTestTrait::$admin_user protected property Drupal user object created by loginAsAdmin().
TmgmtTestTrait::createTranslator function Creates, saves and returns a translator.
TmgmtTestTrait::createJob function Creates, saves and returns a translation job.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::createTaxonomyVocab function Creates taxonomy vocabulary with custom fields.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::createNodeType function Creates node type with several text fields with different cardinality.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::attachFields function Creates fields of type text and text_with_summary of different cardinality.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::createTaxonomyTerm function Creates a taxonomy term of a given vocabulary.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::createTranslatableNode protected function Creates a node of a given bundle.
TmgmtTestTrait::clickLinkWithImageTitle function Clicks on an image link with the provided title attribute.
TmgmtTestTrait::assertTextByXpath protected function Asserts text in the page with an xpath expression.
TmgmtTestTrait::assertJobItemLangCodes function Asserts job item language codes.
TMGMTTestBase::$default_translator protected property A default translator using the test translator.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::$field_names public property
TMGMTTestBase::$defaultTheme protected property