Error message

  • Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$preferred in _api_make_match_link() (line 1075 of /home/projects/api/www/sites/all/modules/api/
  • Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$preferred in _api_make_match_link() (line 1079 of /home/projects/api/www/sites/all/modules/api/
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in _api_make_match_member_link() (line 1230 of /home/projects/api/www/sites/all/modules/api/
  • Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in _api_make_match_member_link() (line 1230 of /home/projects/api/www/sites/all/modules/api/

class ConfigSourceUiTest

Content entity source UI tests.

@group tmgmt


Expanded class hierarchy of ConfigSourceUiTest


sources/tmgmt_config/tests/src/Functional/ConfigSourceUiTest.php, line 16


View source
class ConfigSourceUiTest extends TMGMTTestBase {
  use TmgmtEntityTestTrait;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = array(

   * {@inheritdoc}
  function setUp() : void {
      'create translation jobs',
      'submit translation jobs',
      'accept translation jobs',
      ->createNodeType('article', 'Article', TRUE);

   * Test the node type for a single checkout.
  function testNodeTypeTranslateTabSingleCheckout() {
      'translate configuration',

    // Go to the translate tab.

    // Assert some basic strings on that page.
      ->pageTextContains('Translations of Article content type');
      ->pageTextContains('There are 0 items in the translation cart.');

    // Request a translation for german.
    $edit = array(
      'languages[de]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Request translation');

    // Verify that we are on the translate tab.
      ->pageTextContains('One job needs to be checked out.');
      ->pageTextContains('Article content type (English to German, Unprocessed)');

    // Submit.
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider');

    // Make sure that we're back on the originally defined destination URL.

    // We are redirected back to the correct page.

    // Translated languages - german should now be listed as Needs review.
    $rows = $this
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($rows as $value) {
      $image = $value
        ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(3) a img');
      if ($image && $image
        ->getAttribute('title') == 'Needs review') {
        $found = TRUE;
          ->assertEquals('German', $value
          ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(2)')

    // Assert that 'Source' label is displayed properly.

    // Verify that the pending translation is shown.
      ->clickLinkWithImageTitle('Needs review');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Request a spanish translation.
    $edit = array(
      'languages[es]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Request translation');

    // Verify that we are on the checkout page.
      ->pageTextContains('One job needs to be checked out.');
      ->pageTextContains('Article content type (English to Spanish, Unprocessed)');
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider');

    // Make sure that we're back on the originally defined destination URL.

    // Translated languages should now be listed as Needs review.
    $rows = $this
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($rows as $element) {
      $language = $element
        ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(2)')
      if ('Spanish' == $language || 'German' == $language) {
          ->assertEquals('Needs review', $element
          ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(3) a img')
      ->assertEquals(2, $counter);

    // Test that a job can not be accepted if the translator does not exist.
    // Request an italian translation.
    $edit = array(
      'languages[it]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Request translation');

    // Go back to the originally defined destination URL without submitting.

    // Verify that the pending translation is shown.

    // Try to save, should fail because the job has no translator assigned.
    $edit = array(
      'name[translation]' => $this
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');

    // Verify that we are on the checkout page.

   * Test the node type for a single checkout.
  function testNodeTypeTranslateTabMultipeCheckout() {
      'translate configuration',

    // Go to the translate tab.

    // Assert some basic strings on that page.
      ->pageTextContains('Translations of Article content type');
      ->pageTextContains('There are 0 items in the translation cart.');

    // Request a translation for german and spanish.
    $edit = array(
      'languages[de]' => TRUE,
      'languages[es]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Request translation');

    // Verify that we are on the translate tab.
      ->pageTextContains('2 jobs need to be checked out.');

    // Submit all jobs.
      ->pageTextContains('Article content type (English to German, Unprocessed)');
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider and continue');
      ->pageTextContains('Article content type (English to Spanish, Unprocessed)');
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider');

    // Make sure that we're back on the translate tab.
      ->pageTextContains('Test translation created.');
      ->pageTextNotContains(t('The translation of @title to @language is finished and can now be reviewed.', array(
      '@title' => 'Article',
      '@language' => t('Spanish'),

    // Translated languages should now be listed as Needs review.
    $rows = $this
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($rows as $element) {
      $language = $element
        ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(2)')
      if ('Spanish' == $language || 'German' == $language) {
          ->assertEquals('Needs review', $element
          ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(3) a img')
      ->assertEquals(2, $counter);

   * Test the node type for a single checkout.
  function testViewTranslateTabSingleCheckout() {
      'translate configuration',

    // Go to the translate tab.

    // Assert some basic strings on that page.
      ->pageTextContains('Translations of Content view');
      ->pageTextContains('There are 0 items in the translation cart.');

    // Request a translation for german.
    $edit = array(
      'languages[de]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Request translation');

    // Verify that we are on the translate tab.
      ->pageTextContains('One job needs to be checked out.');
      ->pageTextContains('Content view (English to German, Unprocessed)');

    // Submit.
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider');

    // Make sure that we're back on the originally defined destination URL.

    // We are redirected back to the correct page.

    // Translated languages should now be listed as Needs review.
    $rows = $this
    foreach ($rows as $element) {
      if ($element
        ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(2)')
        ->getText() == 'German') {
          ->assertEquals('Needs review', $element
          ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(3) a img')

    // Verify that the pending translation is shown.
      ->clickLinkWithImageTitle('Needs review');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Request a spanish translation.
    $edit = array(
      'languages[es]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Request translation');

    // Verify that we are on the checkout page.
      ->pageTextContains('One job needs to be checked out.');
      ->pageTextContains('Content view (English to Spanish, Unprocessed)');
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider');

    // Make sure that we're back on the originally defined destination URL.

    // Translated languages should now be listed as Needs review.
    $rows = $this
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($rows as $element) {
      $language = $element
        ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(2)')
      if ('Spanish' == $language || 'German' == $language) {
          ->assertEquals('Needs review', $element
          ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(3) a img')
      ->assertEquals(2, $counter);

    // Test that a job can not be accepted if the entity does not exist.
      ->clickLinkWithImageTitle('Needs review');

    // Delete the view  and assert that the job can not be accepted.
    $view_content = View::load('content');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save as completed');
      ->pageTextContains(t('@id of type @type does not exist, the job can not be completed.', array(
      '@id' => $view_content
      '@type' => $view_content

   * Test the field config entity type for a single checkout.
  function testFieldConfigTranslateTabSingleCheckout() {
      'translate configuration',

    // Add a continuous job.
    $job = $this
      ->createJob('en', 'de', 1, [
      'job_type' => Job::TYPE_CONTINUOUS,

    // Go to sources, field configuration list.
      ->pageTextContains('Configuration ID');
    $edit = [
      'items[field.field.node.article.body]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Add to cart');
    $edit = [
      'target_language[]' => 'de',
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Request translation');

    // Assert that we cannot add config entities into continuous jobs.
      ->pageTextNotContains('Check for continuous jobs');

    // Go to the translate tab.

    // Request a german translation.
      'languages[de]' => TRUE,
    ], 'Request translation');

    // Verify that we are on the checkout page.
      ->pageTextContains('One job needs to be checked out.');
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider');

    // Verify that the pending translation is shown.
      ->clickLinkWithImageTitle('Needs review');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save as completed');

   * Test the entity source specific cart functionality.
  function testCart() {
      'translate configuration',

    // Test the source overview.
      ->submitForm([], 'Add to cart');
      ->submitForm([], 'Add to cart');

    // Test if the content and article are in the cart.
      ->linkExists('Content view');
      ->linkExists('Article content type');

    // Test the label on the source overivew.
      ->responseContains(t('There are @count items in the <a href=":url">translation cart</a> including the current item.', array(
      '@count' => 2,
      ':url' => Url::fromRoute('tmgmt.cart')

   * Test the node type for a single checkout.
  function testSimpleConfiguration() {
      'translate configuration',

    // Go to the translate tab.

    // Assert some basic strings on that page.
      ->pageTextContains('Translations of System information');

    // Request a translation for german.
    $edit = array(
      'languages[de]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Request translation');

    // Verify that we are on the translate tab.
      ->pageTextContains('One job needs to be checked out.');
      ->pageTextContains('System information (English to German, Unprocessed)');

    // Submit.
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider');

    // Make sure that we're back on the originally defined destination URL.

    // We are redirected back to the correct page.

    // Translated languages should now be listed as Needs review.
    $rows = $this
    $found = FALSE;
    foreach ($rows as $value) {
      $image = $value
        ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(3) a img');
      if ($image && $image
        ->getAttribute('title') == 'Needs review') {
        $found = TRUE;
          ->assertEquals('German', $value
          ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(2)')

    // Verify that the pending translation is shown.
      ->clickLinkWithImageTitle('Needs review');
      'name[translation]' => 'de_Druplicon',
    ], 'Save');
      ->clickLinkWithImageTitle('Needs review');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');

    // Request a spanish translation.
    $edit = array(
      'languages[es]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Request translation');

    // Verify that we are on the checkout page.
      ->pageTextContains('One job needs to be checked out.');
      ->pageTextContains('System information (English to Spanish, Unprocessed)');
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider');

    // Make sure that we're back on the originally defined destination URL.

    // Translated languages should now be listed as Needs review.
    $rows = $this
    $counter = 0;
    foreach ($rows as $value) {
      $image = $value
        ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(3) a img');
      if ($image && $image
        ->getAttribute('title') == 'Needs review') {
          ->find('css', 'td:nth-child(2)')
          ->getText(), [
      ->assertEquals(2, $counter);

    // Test translation and validation tags of account settings.
      'languages[de]' => TRUE,
    ], 'Request translation');

    // Submit.
      ->submitForm([], 'Submit to provider');
      ->clickLinkWithImageTitle('Needs review');
      'user__settings|anonymous[translation]' => 'de_Druplicon',
    ], 'Validate HTML tags');
      ->submitForm([], 'Save');
      ->clickLinkWithImageTitle('Needs review');



Namesort ascending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
TmgmtTestTrait::loginAsTranslator function Will create a user with translator permissions and log it in.
TmgmtTestTrait::loginAsAdmin function Will create a user with admin permissions and log it in.
TmgmtTestTrait::createTranslator function Creates, saves and returns a translator.
TmgmtTestTrait::createJob function Creates, saves and returns a translation job.
TmgmtTestTrait::clickLinkWithImageTitle function Clicks on an image link with the provided title attribute.
TmgmtTestTrait::assertTextByXpath protected function Asserts text in the page with an xpath expression.
TmgmtTestTrait::assertJobItemLangCodes function Asserts job item language codes.
TmgmtTestTrait::addLanguage function Sets the proper environment.
TmgmtTestTrait::$translator_user protected property Drupal user object created by loginAsTranslator().
TmgmtTestTrait::$translator_permissions protected property List of permissions used by loginAsTranslator().
TmgmtTestTrait::$languageWeight protected property The language weight for new languages.
TmgmtTestTrait::$admin_user protected property Drupal user object created by loginAsAdmin().
TmgmtTestTrait::$admin_permissions protected property List of permissions used by loginAsAdmin().
TMGMTTestBase::$default_translator protected property A default translator using the test translator.
TMGMTTestBase::$defaultTheme protected property
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::createTranslatableNode protected function Creates a node of a given bundle.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::createTaxonomyVocab function Creates taxonomy vocabulary with custom fields.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::createTaxonomyTerm function Creates a taxonomy term of a given vocabulary.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::createNodeType function Creates node type with several text fields with different cardinality.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::attachFields function Creates fields of type text and text_with_summary of different cardinality.
TmgmtEntityTestTrait::$field_names public property
ConfigSourceUiTest::testViewTranslateTabSingleCheckout function Test the node type for a single checkout.
ConfigSourceUiTest::testSimpleConfiguration function Test the node type for a single checkout.
ConfigSourceUiTest::testNodeTypeTranslateTabSingleCheckout function Test the node type for a single checkout.
ConfigSourceUiTest::testNodeTypeTranslateTabMultipeCheckout function Test the node type for a single checkout.
ConfigSourceUiTest::testFieldConfigTranslateTabSingleCheckout function Test the field config entity type for a single checkout.
ConfigSourceUiTest::testCart function Test the entity source specific cart functionality.
ConfigSourceUiTest::setUp function Overrides DrupalWebTestCase::setUp() Overrides TMGMTTestBase::setUp
ConfigSourceUiTest::$modules protected static property Modules to enable. Overrides TMGMTTestBase::$modules