
Primary tabs

Name Locationsort descending Description Direct uses Strings
tmgmt_demo_install modules/demo/tmgmt_demo.install Implements hook_install().
tmgmt_demo_theme modules/demo/tmgmt_demo.module Implements hook_theme().
hook_field_info_alter sources/content/tmgmt_content.api.php Any module can override the default field processor and register its own class for a given field type in hook_field_info_alter() using the tmgmt_field_processor key.
hook_tmgmt_content_list_query_alter sources/content/tmgmt_content.api.php Allows to alter $query used to list entities on specific entity type overview pages.
hook_tmgmt_translatable_fields_alter sources/content/tmgmt_content.api.php Allows to exclude some fields from translation with TMGMT.
tmgmt_content_tmgmt_source_suggestions sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Implements hook_tmgmt_source_suggestions().
tmgmt_content_form_tmgmt_settings_form_alter sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() for tmgmt_settings_form().
tmgmt_content_settings_submit sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Submit function set by tmgmt_content_form_tmgmt_settings_form_alter(). 1
tmgmt_content_entity_insert sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Implements hook_entity_insert().
tmgmt_content_entity_update sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Implements hook_entity_update().
tmgmt_content_create_continuous_job_items sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Creates continuous job items for entity. 4
tmgmt_content_create_continuous_job_items_batch_finished sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Creates continuous job items for entity. 1
tmgmt_content_field_info_alter sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Implements hook_field_info_alter().
tmgmt_content_entity_access sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Implements hook_entity_access().
tmgmt_content_form_field_config_edit_form_alter sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Implements hook_FORM_ID_alter().
tmgmt_content_entity_builder sources/content/tmgmt_content.module Entity builder callback. 1
tmgmt_config_config_schema_info_alter sources/tmgmt_config/tmgmt_config.module Implements hook_config_schema_info_alter().
hook_tmgmt_source_plugin_info_alter ./tmgmt.api.php Alter source plugins information.
hook_tmgmt_source_suggestions ./tmgmt.api.php Return a list of suggested sources for job items.
hook_tmgmt_translator_plugin_info_alter ./tmgmt.api.php Alter information about translator plugins.
hook_tmgmt_job_checkout_before_alter ./tmgmt.api.php Allows to alter job checkout workflow before the default behavior kicks in.
hook_tmgmt_job_checkout_after_alter ./tmgmt.api.php Allows to alter job checkout workflow after the default behavior.
hook_tmgmt_job_before_request_translation ./tmgmt.api.php Allows to alter job checkout workflow before the default behavior.
hook_tmgmt_job_after_request_translation ./tmgmt.api.php Allows to alter job checkout workflow after the default behavior.
hook_tmgmt_data_item_text_output_alter ./tmgmt.api.php Allows to alter a text's segment masking the HTML tags from a tmgmt-tag.
hook_tmgmt_data_item_text_input_alter ./tmgmt.api.php Allows to alter a text's segment unmasking the HTML tags into a tmgmt-tag.
hook_tmgmt_job_item_state_definitions_alter ./tmgmt.api.php Allows to alter job state definitions.
tmgmt_update_8011 ./tmgmt.install Add the file count field.
tmgmt_update_8010 ./tmgmt.install Update the job messages view to use a different pager id.
tmgmt_update_8008 ./tmgmt.install Adds the translator state field.
tmgmt_update_8009 ./tmgmt.install Update the job item overview view to use the new state filter configuration.
tmgmt_update_8001 ./tmgmt.install Add a field for the HTML tag count.
tmgmt_update_8002 ./tmgmt.install Update the menu parent, to move job to the new translator menu block.
tmgmt_update_8003 ./tmgmt.install Add type field to Job entity.
tmgmt_update_8004 ./tmgmt.install Add continuous job overview.
tmgmt_update_8005 ./tmgmt.install Add job items overview.
tmgmt_update_8006 ./tmgmt.install Add continuous settings configuration field.
tmgmt_update_8007 ./tmgmt.install Updates the state to 'continuous' of all continuous translation jobs.
tmgmt_redirect_queue_dequeue Deprecated ./tmgmt.module Dequeues one redirect in the queue and returns that. 2
tmgmt_color_legend ./tmgmt.module Provides color legends for source statuses. 1
tmgmt_color_job_item_legend ./tmgmt.module Provides color legends for job item states. 2
tmgmt_color_job_legend ./tmgmt.module Provides color legends for job states. 1
tmgmt_color_review_legend ./tmgmt.module Provides color legends for job item review form. 1
tmgmt_job_checkout_and_redirect ./tmgmt.module Attempts to checkout a number of jobs and prepare the necessary redirects.
tmgmt_submit_redirect ./tmgmt.module Helper function for redirecting a form after a button has been clicked. 1
tmgmt_cart_get ./tmgmt.module Returns the cart service.
tmgmt_add_cart_form ./tmgmt.module Adds add to cart form elements. 3
tmgmt_source_add_to_cart_submit ./tmgmt.module Submit handler to add items into the cart. 1
tmgmt_cart_source_overview_validate ./tmgmt.module Cart form validation callback for the source overview. 1 2
tmgmt_page_attachments ./tmgmt.module Implements hook_page_attachments().


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