Classes, traits, and interfaces

Primary tabs

Name Typesort ascending Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
TmgmtTestTrait trait Drupal\Tests\tmgmt\Functional tests/src/Functional/TmgmtTestTrait.php Base class for tests. 3
TmgmtEntityTestTrait trait Drupal\Tests\tmgmt\Functional tests/src/Functional/TmgmtEntityTestTrait.php Utility test case class with helper methods to create entities and their fields with populated translatable content. Extend this class if you create tests in which you need Drupal entities and/or fields. 10
SourcePreviewInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/SourcePreviewInterface.php Interface for source plugin controllers they may be previewed. 1 3
RemoteMappingInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/RemoteMappingInterface.php Interface for the tmgmt_remote entity. 1 1
TranslatorRejectDataInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/TranslatorRejectDataInterface.php Handle reject on data item level. 1 3
TranslatorInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/TranslatorInterface.php Interface for the tmgmt_translator entity. 1 4
TranslatorPluginInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/TranslatorPluginInterface.php Interface for service plugin controllers. 1
SourcePluginInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/SourcePluginInterface.php Interface for source plugin controllers. 1
MessageInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/MessageInterface.php Interface for the tmgmt_message entity. 1 1
SourcePluginUiInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/SourcePluginUiInterface.php Interface for source ui controllers. 1
SegmenterInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/SegmenterInterface.php This interface offers a suite of methods to add segments and filter data. 1
TranslatorPluginUiInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/TranslatorPluginUiInterface.php Interface for translator ui controllers. 1
JobInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/JobInterface.php Interface for tmgmt_job entity. 1 27
ContinuousSourceInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/ContinuousSourceInterface.php Interface for continuous sources. 1 3
ContinuousTranslatorInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/ContinuousTranslatorInterface.php Interface for continuous translators. 2 7
JobItemInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt src/JobItemInterface.php Interface for tmgmt_job_item entity. 1 30
LocalTaskInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt_local translators/tmgmt_local/src/LocalTaskInterface.php Interface for tmgmt_local_task entity. 1 10
LocalTaskItemInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt_local translators/tmgmt_local/src/LocalTaskItemInterface.php Interface for tmgmt_local_task_item entity. 1 5
FormatInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt_file\Format translators/tmgmt_file/src/Format/FormatInterface.php Interface for exporting to a given file format. 2 2
FieldProcessorInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt_content sources/content/src/FieldProcessorInterface.php Interface for content entity source field processors. 1
ConfigProcessorInterface interface Drupal\tmgmt_config sources/tmgmt_config/src/ConfigProcessorInterface.php 1
Data class Drupal\tmgmt src/Data.php All data-related functions. 2
SourceManager class Drupal\tmgmt src/SourceManager.php A plugin manager for source plugins. 2 2
ContinuousManager class Drupal\tmgmt src/ContinuousManager.php A service manager for continuous jobs. 1 2
TranslatorManager class Drupal\tmgmt src/TranslatorManager.php A plugin manager for translator plugins. 3 2
JobItemCart class Drupal\tmgmt src/JobItemCart.php Represents a job item cart. 2
LanguageMatcher class Drupal\tmgmt src/LanguageMatcher.php Language matcher service. 2
SourcePluginUiBase class Drupal\tmgmt src/SourcePluginUiBase.php Default ui controller class for source plugin. 3 3
TranslatorPluginUiBase class Drupal\tmgmt src/TranslatorPluginUiBase.php Default ui controller class for translator plugins. 3 3
TranslatorPluginBase abstract class Drupal\tmgmt src/TranslatorPluginBase.php Default controller class for service plugins. 3 3
NullSegmenter class Drupal\tmgmt src/NullSegmenter.php Null implementation for the SegmenterInterface. 2
SourcePluginBase abstract class Drupal\tmgmt src/SourcePluginBase.php Default controller class for source plugins. 4 4
TMGMTException class Drupal\tmgmt src/TMGMTException.php TMGMT Exception class. 9
TranslatorController class Drupal\tmgmt\Controller src/Controller/TranslatorController.php Route controller class for the tmgmt translator entity.
TMGMTController class Drupal\tmgmt\Controller src/Controller/TMGMTController.php Returns responses for tmgmt routes.
JobItemBreadcrumbBuilder class Drupal\tmgmt\Menu src/Menu/JobItemBreadcrumbBuilder.php A custom Job item breadcrumb builder. 2
SourcePlugin class Drupal\tmgmt\Annotation src/Annotation/SourcePlugin.php Defines a Source plugin annotation object.
TranslatorPlugin class Drupal\tmgmt\Annotation src/Annotation/TranslatorPlugin.php Defines a Translator plugin annotation object.
TMGMTTestBase abstract class Drupal\tmgmt\Tests src/Tests/TMGMTTestBase.php Base class for tests. 1
EntityTestBase abstract class Drupal\tmgmt\Tests src/Tests/EntityTestBase.php Utility test case class with helper methods to create entities and their fields with populated translatable content. Extend this class if you create tests in which you need Drupal entities and/or fields.
Message class Drupal\tmgmt\Entity src/Entity/Message.php Entity class for the tmgmt_message entity. 1
Job class Drupal\tmgmt\Entity src/Entity/Job.php Entity class for the tmgmt_job entity. 31
JobItem class Drupal\tmgmt\Entity src/Entity/JobItem.php Entity class for the tmgmt_job_item entity. 18
RemoteMapping class Drupal\tmgmt\Entity src/Entity/RemoteMapping.php Entity class for the tmgmt_remote entity. 1
Translator class Drupal\tmgmt\Entity src/Entity/Translator.php Entity class for the tmgmt_translator entity. 14
TranslatorResult abstract class Drupal\tmgmt\Translator src/Translator/TranslatorResult.php Used by translator to return the boolean result of a check with a reason. 2
AvailableResult class Drupal\tmgmt\Translator src/Translator/AvailableResult.php Returns the result for an translator availability check. 3
TranslatableResult class Drupal\tmgmt\Translator src/Translator/TranslatableResult.php Returns the result of whether a translator can translate a job. 5
CartForm class Drupal\tmgmt\Form src/Form/CartForm.php Source overview form. 1
JobItemForm class Drupal\tmgmt\Form src/Form/JobItemForm.php Form controller for the job item edit forms.


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