class ParagraphsLockablePluginTest

Tests the lockable plugin.

@group paragraphs_collection


Expanded class hierarchy of ParagraphsLockablePluginTest

See also



paragraphs_collection/tests/src/Functional/ParagraphsLockablePluginTest.php, line 13


View source
class ParagraphsLockablePluginTest extends ParagraphsTestBase {
  use \Drupal\Tests\field_ui\Traits\FieldUiTestTrait;

   * Required modules to be installed for test to run.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * Tests the lockable functionality with admin and other role on paragraphs.
  public function testLockedParagraphInstance() {

    // Create an article with paragraphs field.
    $contentTypeId = 'paragraphed_lock_test';
      ->addParagraphedContentType($contentTypeId, 'paragraphs');
    $permissions = [
      'administer site configuration',
      'administer lockable paragraph',
      'bypass node access',
      'administer content types',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',

    // Add a text paragraphs type with a text field.
    $paragraphType = 'text_test';
    $fieldName = 'text';
    $bundlePath = 'admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraphType;
      ->fieldUIAddExistingField('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraphType, 'paragraphs_text');
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[lockable][enabled]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, t('Save'));

    // Check that the bundle now has lockable enabled.

    // Create a paragraphed content.
      ->drupalGet('node/add/' . $contentTypeId);
      ->submitForm([], 'paragraphs_' . $paragraphType . '_add_more');

    // Add title and body text to the node and save it.
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => 'Test article',
      'paragraphs[0][subform][paragraphs_' . $fieldName . '][0][value]' => 'This is some text',
      'paragraphs[0][behavior_plugins][lockable][locked]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');
    $nodeUrl = $this
      ->drupalGet($nodeUrl . '/edit');
      ->pageTextNotContains('You are not allowed to edit or remove this Paragraph.');

    // Check that a new user without our permission cannot edit.
    $account = $this
      'bypass node access',
      ->drupalGet($nodeUrl . '/edit');
      ->pageTextContains('You are not allowed to edit or remove this Paragraph.');

    // Check that a new non admin user who does have the permission can edit.
    $account = $this
      'bypass node access',
      'administer lockable paragraph',
      ->drupalGet($nodeUrl . '/edit');
      ->pageTextNotContains('You are not allowed to edit or remove this Paragraph.');

   * Tests Lockable plugin summary for paragraphs closed mode.
  public function testLockedSettingsSummary() {

    // Create an article with paragraphs field.
    $content_type_id = 'paragraphed_lock_test';
      ->addParagraphedContentType($content_type_id, 'paragraphs');
      'administer site configuration',
      'administer lockable paragraph',
      'bypass node access',
      'administer content types',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',
      'create ' . $content_type_id . ' content',
      'edit any ' . $content_type_id . ' content',

    // Add a text paragraph type.
    $paragraph_type = 'text_test';
    $field_name = 'text';
      ->fieldUIAddExistingField('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type, 'paragraphs_text');
      ->setParagraphsWidgetMode($content_type_id, 'paragraphs', 'closed');

    // Enable Lockable plugin for this text paragraph type.
    $edit = [
      'behavior_plugins[lockable][enabled]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalGet('admin/structure/paragraphs_type/' . $paragraph_type);
      ->submitForm($edit, t('Save'));

    // Node edit: add two text paragraph type, set the second text as locked.
      ->drupalGet('node/add/' . $content_type_id);
      ->submitForm([], 'paragraphs_' . $paragraph_type . '_add_more');
      ->submitForm([], 'paragraphs_' . $paragraph_type . '_add_more');
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => 'Lockable plugin summary',
      'paragraphs[0][subform][paragraphs_' . $field_name . '][0][value]' => 'Text 1',
      'paragraphs[1][subform][paragraphs_' . $field_name . '][0][value]' => 'Text 2',
      'paragraphs[1][behavior_plugins][lockable][locked]' => TRUE,
      ->submitForm($edit, 'Save');

    // Assert the paragraph item summaries include the plugin summaries.
      ->responseContains('<span class="summary-content">Text 1<');
      ->responseContains('<span class="summary-content">Text 2</span></div><div class="paragraphs-plugin-wrapper"><span class="summary-plugin">Locked<');



Name Modifiers Typesort ascending Description Overrides
ParagraphsLockablePluginTest::$modules protected static property Required modules to be installed for test to run. Overrides ParagraphsTestBase::$modules
ParagraphsTestBaseTrait::$workflow protected property The workflow entity.
ParagraphsTestBase::$admin_user protected property Drupal user object created by loginAsAdmin(). 1
ParagraphsTestBase::$admin_permissions protected property List of permissions used by loginAsAdmin().
ParagraphsTestBase::$defaultTheme protected property 2
ParagraphsLockablePluginTest::testLockedParagraphInstance public function Tests the lockable functionality with admin and other role on paragraphs.
ParagraphsLockablePluginTest::testLockedSettingsSummary public function Tests Lockable plugin summary for paragraphs closed mode.
ParagraphsTestBase::setAddMode protected function Sets the Paragraphs widget add mode. Overrides ParagraphsTestBase::setAddMode
ParagraphsTestBase::removeDefaultParagraphType protected function Removes the default paragraph type. Overrides ParagraphsTestBase::removeDefaultParagraphType
ParagraphsTestBaseTrait::addParagraphedContentType protected function Adds a content type with a Paragraphs field.
ParagraphsTestBaseTrait::addParagraphsField protected function Adds a Paragraphs field to a given entity type.
ParagraphsTestBaseTrait::addParagraphsType protected function Adds a Paragraphs type.
ParagraphsTestBaseTrait::addParagraphsTypeIcon protected function Adds an icon to a paragraphs type.
ParagraphsTestBaseTrait::addFieldtoParagraphType protected function Adds a field to a given paragraph type.
ParagraphsTestBaseTrait::setParagraphsWidgetSettings protected function Sets some of the settings of a paragraphs field widget.
ParagraphsTestBaseTrait::createEditorialWorkflow protected function Creates a workflow entity.
ParagraphsTestBaseTrait::coreVersion protected function Checks the core version.
ParagraphsTestBase::setUp protected function 19
ParagraphsTestBase::loginAsAdmin function Creates an user with admin permissions and log in.
ParagraphsTestBase::setAllowedParagraphsTypes protected function Sets the allowed Paragraphs types that can be added.
ParagraphsTestBase::setParagraphsTypeWeight protected function Sets the weight of a given Paragraphs type.
ParagraphsTestBase::setDefaultParagraphType protected function Sets the default paragraph type.
ParagraphsTestBase::setParagraphsWidgetMode protected function Sets the Paragraphs widget display mode.