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namespace Drupal\Tests\paragraphs_collection\Functional;

use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;
use Drupal\Tests\paragraphs\FunctionalJavascript\LoginAdminTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\paragraphs\FunctionalJavascript\ParagraphsTestBaseTrait;

 * Test paragraphs collection style behavior.
 * @group paragraphs_collection
class ParagraphsCollectionStyleTest extends BrowserTestBase {
  use LoginAdminTrait;
  use ParagraphsTestBaseTrait;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  protected static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected $defaultTheme = 'stark';

   * Test paragraphs style behavior plugin.
  public function testStylePlugin() {
      'access content overview',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',
    $edit = [
      'styles[bold][enabled]' => TRUE,
      'styles[italic][enabled]' => FALSE,
      'styles[regular][enabled]' => FALSE,
      'styles[underline][enabled]' => FALSE,
      ->submitForm($edit, t('Save configuration'));
    $paragraph_type = \Drupal::configFactory()
      ->set('behavior_plugins.lockable.enabled', TRUE);
      ->set('', TRUE);
      ->set('', 'bold');
      ->addFieldtoParagraphType('testplugin', 'field_text', 'text');
      ->addParagraphedContentType('testcontent', 'testparagraphfield');
      ->pressButton('Add testplugin');
      ->pressButton('Add testplugin');
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => 'Example title',
      ->submitForm($edit, t('Save'));
      ->pageTextContains('testcontent Example title has been created.');

   * Test paragraphs style behavior plugin summary.
  public function testStylePluginSummary() {

    // Create a paragraphed content type.
      ->addParagraphedContentType('testcontent', 'testparagraphfield');
      'access content overview',
      'edit behavior plugin settings',
      'create testcontent content',
      'edit any testcontent content',

    // Enable plugins.
    $edit = [
      'styles[bold][enabled]' => TRUE,
      'styles[italic][enabled]' => TRUE,
      'styles[regular][enabled]' => FALSE,
      'styles[underline][enabled]' => FALSE,
      ->submitForm($edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Create a paragraph type and enable behavior plugins.
    $paragraph_type = \Drupal::configFactory()
      ->set('', TRUE);
      ->set('', '');
      ->addFieldtoParagraphType('testplugin', 'field_text', 'text');
      ->setParagraphsWidgetSettings('testcontent', 'testparagraphfield', [
      'edit_mode' => 'closed',
      'closed_mode' => 'summary',

    // Create a Paragraph in a node selecting one of the enabled plugins.
      ->pressButton('Add testplugin');
      ->selectFieldOption('testparagraphfield[0][behavior_plugins][style][style_wrapper][styles][regular_test_group]', 'bold');
    $edit = [
      'title[0][value]' => 'Example title',
      'testparagraphfield[0][subform][field_text][0][value]' => 'test',
      ->submitForm($edit, t('Save'));
      ->pageTextContains('testcontent Example title has been created.');

    // Disable the selected plugin.
    $edit = [
      'styles[bold][enabled]' => FALSE,
      ->submitForm($edit, t('Save configuration'));

    // Edit the node and check if the summary is present.
    $node = $this
      ->getNodeByTitle('Example title');
      ->drupalGet('node/' . $node
      ->id() . '/edit');



Namesort ascending Description
ParagraphsCollectionStyleTest Test paragraphs collection style behavior.