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  1. # This file holds various gulp configurations that we need in our Gulp process.
  2. # Locations of our SASS and CSS files.
  3. scssSrc: "./"
  4. cssDest: "./"
  5. # This are the paths that will be added to sass search paths for include.
  6. # @todo - note that we are not using this for now really, this pattern will
  7. # maybe make sense for more complex CSS work that we will do. If this is not
  8. # reused in near future lets consider to remove it.
  9. sassIncludePaths:
  10. - "./sass/"
  11. - "./node_modules/"
  12. # Automatically load any gulp plugins in package.json.
  13. gulpLoadPlugins:
  14. pattern:
  15. - "gulp-*"
  16. - "gulp.*"
  17. - "autoprefixer"
  18. - "postcss-*"
  19. - "stylelint"
  20. - "syntax_scss"
  21. # Rename mapping to values that we will use in JS code.
  22. rename:
  23. postcss-reporter: "reporter"
  24. postcss-scss: "syntax_scss"
  25. autoprefixer:
  26. # Autoprefixer 7.x version by default is disabling grid support for IE but
  27. # we still needs to support old IE versions.
  28. # @see
  29. grid: true
  30. # Browsers support is last two versions of all browsers by default, IE10+ and
  31. # Safari 7+ because of iPhone 5c and 5s.
  32. browsers:
  33. - "last 2 versions"
  34. - "ie >= 10"
  35. - "Safari >= 7"
  36. # Path to stylelint config file.
  37. stylelintOptions:
  38. configFile: "./.stylelintrc.yml"
  39. # Processor configuration for stylelint postcss plugin.
  40. processorsOptions:
  41. reporterOptions:
  42. # Clear all messages after displaying so they are not redisplayed in other
  43. # plugins that are coming after stylelint.
  44. clearAllMessages: true
  45. # Don't throw exception but continue with gulp tasks.
  46. throwError: false