


View source
  1. paragraphs.paragraphs_type.*:
  2. type: config_entity
  3. label: 'Paragraphs type config'
  4. mapping:
  5. id:
  6. type: string
  7. label: 'ID'
  8. label:
  9. type: label
  10. label: 'Label'
  11. icon_uuid:
  12. type: string
  13. label: 'Icon uuid'
  14. icon_default:
  15. type: string
  16. label: 'Default icon'
  17. description:
  18. type: text
  19. label: 'Description'
  20. behavior_plugins:
  21. type: sequence
  22. label: 'Plugins'
  23. orderby: key
  24. sequence:
  25. type: paragraphs.behavior.settings.[%key]
  26. label: 'Behavior plugins'
  27. paragraphs.behavior.settings_base:
  28. type: mapping
  29. label: 'Settings for base paragraphs behavior plugin'
  30. mapping:
  31. enabled:
  32. type: boolean
  33. label: 'Enabled'
  34. # The plugins which extend the base behavior plugin and don't provide
  35. # any configuration form will validate on this entry.
  36. paragraphs.behavior.settings.*:
  37. type: paragraphs.behavior.settings_base
  38. entity_reference_selection.default:paragraph:
  39. type: entity_reference_selection.default
  40. mapping:
  41. negate:
  42. type: integer
  43. target_bundles_drag_drop:
  44. type: sequence
  45. orderby: key
  46. sequence:
  47. type: mapping
  48. mapping:
  49. weight:
  50. type: integer
  51. enabled:
  52. type: boolean
  53. add_mode:
  54. type: string
  55. edit_mode:
  56. type: string
  57. title:
  58. type: label
  59. title_plural:
  60. type: label
  61. default_paragraph_type:
  62. type: string
  63. field.widget.settings.entity_reference_paragraphs:
  64. type: mapping
  65. mapping:
  66. title:
  67. type: label
  68. title_plural:
  69. type: label
  70. edit_mode:
  71. type: string
  72. add_mode:
  73. type: string
  74. form_display_mode:
  75. type: string
  76. default_paragraph_type:
  77. type: string
  78. field.widget.settings.paragraphs:
  79. type: mapping
  80. mapping:
  81. title:
  82. type: label
  83. title_plural:
  84. type: label
  85. edit_mode:
  86. type: string
  87. closed_mode:
  88. type: string
  89. autocollapse:
  90. type: string
  91. closed_mode_threshold:
  92. type: integer
  93. add_mode:
  94. type: string
  95. form_display_mode:
  96. type: string
  97. default_paragraph_type:
  98. type: string
  99. features:
  100. type: sequence
  101. orderby: key
  102. sequence:
  103. type: string